PO meaning in Hindi

PO is a english word.

PO Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • PO = डाक घर की आदेशपत्र

    • Usage: The company requwsted that the application should be accompanied by a 2/- PO.
  • PO = डाक घर

    • Usage: My house is just behind PO.

PO Meaning in Detail

  • PO (noun) = a radioactive metallic element that is similar to tellurium and bismuth; occurs in uranium ores but can be produced by bombarding bismuth with neutrons in a nuclear reactor

    Synonyms: polonium, Po, atomic_number_84

  • PO (noun) = a noncommissioned officer in the Navy or Coast Guard with a rank comparable to sergeant in the Army

    Synonyms: petty_officer, PO, P.O.

  • PO (noun) = a European river; flows into the Adriatic Sea

    Synonyms: Po, Po_River

  • PO (noun) = an independent agency of the federal government responsible for mail delivery (and sometimes telecommunications) between individuals and businesses in the United States

    Synonyms: United_States_Post_Office, US_Post_Office, Post_Office, PO

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