Absence meaning in Hindi

Absence is a english word.

Absence Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • absence = अनुपस्थिति

    • Usage: In the absence of the Principal, I shall be in charge.

Absence Meaning in Detail

  • absence (noun) = the state of being absent

    Synonyms: absence

    • Usage: he was surprised by the absence of any explanation
  • absence (noun) = failure to be present

    Synonyms: absence

  • absence (noun) = the time interval during which something or somebody is away

    Synonyms: absence

    • Usage: he visited during my absence
  • absence (noun) = the occurrence of an abrupt, transient loss or impairment of consciousness (which is not subsequently remembered), sometimes with light twitching, fluttering eyelids, etc.; common in petit mal epilepsy

    Synonyms: absence, absence_seizure

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