Absorbing meaning in Hindi

Absorbing is a english word.

Absorbing Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • absorbing = दिलचस्प

    • Usage: `The English Patient' is an absorbing novel.

Absorbing Meaning in Detail

  • absorbing (verb) = become imbued

    Synonyms: absorb

    • Usage: The liquids, light, and gases absorb
  • absorbing (verb) = take up mentally

    Synonyms: absorb, assimilate, ingest, take_in

    • Usage: he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe
  • absorbing (verb) = take up, as of debts or payments

    Synonyms: absorb, take_over

    • Usage: absorb the costs for something
  • absorbing (verb) = take in, also metaphorically

    Synonyms: absorb, suck, imbibe, soak_up, sop_up, suck_up, draw, take_in, take_up

    • Usage: The sponge absorbs water well
    • Usage: She drew strength from the minister's words
  • absorbing (verb) = cause to become one with

    Synonyms: absorb

    • Usage: The sales tax is absorbed into the state income tax
  • absorbing (verb) = suck or take up or in

    Synonyms: absorb, take_in

    • Usage: A black star absorbs all matter
  • absorbing (verb) = devote (oneself) fully to

    Synonyms: steep, immerse, engulf, plunge, engross, absorb, soak_up

    • Usage: He immersed himself into his studies
  • absorbing (verb) = assimilate or take in

    Synonyms: absorb

    • Usage: The immigrants were quickly absorbed into society
  • absorbing (verb) = consume all of one's attention or time

    Synonyms: absorb, engross, engage, occupy

    • Usage: Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely
  • absorbing (adj) = capable of arousing and holding the attention

    Synonyms: absorbing, engrossing, fascinating, gripping, riveting

    • Usage: a fascinating story
  • Other words to learn

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