Accelerator meaning in Hindi

Accelerator is a english word.

Accelerator Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • accelerator = गतिवर्धक

    • Usage: He raised the accelerator of the vehicle.

Accelerator Meaning in Detail

  • accelerator (noun) = a pedal that controls the throttle valve

    Synonyms: accelerator, accelerator_pedal, gas_pedal, gas, throttle, gun

    • Usage: he stepped on the gas
  • accelerator (noun) = a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine

    Synonyms: accelerator, throttle, throttle_valve

  • accelerator (noun) = (chemistry) a substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected

    Synonyms: catalyst, accelerator

  • accelerator (noun) = a scientific instrument that increases the kinetic energy of charged particles

    Synonyms: accelerator, particle_accelerator, atom_smasher

  • Other words to learn

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