Accessible meaning in Hindi

Accessible is a english word.

Accessible Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • accessible = अभिगम्य

    • Usage: Defence documents are not accessible to the public.

Accessible Meaning in Detail

  • accessible (adj) = capable of being reached

    Synonyms: accessible

    • Usage: a town accessible by rail
  • accessible (adj) = capable of being read with comprehension

    Synonyms: accessible, approachable

    • Usage: readily accessible to the nonprofessional reader
    • Usage: the tales seem more approachable than his more difficult novels
  • accessible (adj) = easily obtained

    Synonyms: accessible

    • Usage: most students now have computers accessible
    • Usage: accessible money
  • accessible (adj) = easy to get along with or talk to; friendly

    Synonyms: accessible

    • Usage: an accessible and genial man
  • Other words to learn

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