Ache meaning in Hindi

Ache is a english word.

Ache Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • ache = पीड़ा

    • Usage: My body was in all aches and pains after the accident.
  • ache = दर्द करना

    • Usage: My heart aches on seeing her suffer.

Ache Meaning in Detail

  • ache (noun) = a dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain

    Synonyms: ache, aching

  • ache (verb) = feel physical pain

    Synonyms: hurt, ache, suffer

    • Usage: Were you hurting after the accident?
  • ache (verb) = have a desire for something or someone who is not present

    Synonyms: ache, yearn, yen, pine, languish

    • Usage: She ached for a cigarette
    • Usage: I am pining for my lover
  • ache (verb) = be the source of pain

    Synonyms: ache, smart, hurt

  • Other words to learn

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