Affinity meaning in Hindi

Affinity is a english word.

Affinity Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • affinity = सम्बन्ध

    • Usage: I share a special affinity with her.

Affinity Meaning in Detail

  • affinity (noun) = (immunology) the attraction between an antigen and an antibody

    Synonyms: affinity

  • affinity (noun) = (anthropology) kinship by marriage or adoption; not a blood relationship

    Synonyms: affinity

  • affinity (noun) = (biology) state of relationship between organisms or groups of organisms resulting in resemblance in structure or structural parts

    Synonyms: affinity, phylogenetic_relation

    • Usage: in anatomical structure prehistoric man shows close affinity with modern humans
  • affinity (noun) = a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character

    Synonyms: affinity, kinship

    • Usage: found a natural affinity with the immigrants
    • Usage: felt a deep kinship with the other students
    • Usage: anthropology's kinship with the humanities
  • affinity (noun) = the force attracting atoms to each other and binding them together in a molecule

    Synonyms: affinity, chemical_attraction

    • Usage: basic dyes have an affinity for wool and silk
  • affinity (noun) = inherent resemblance between persons or things

    Synonyms: affinity

  • affinity (noun) = a natural attraction or feeling of kinship

    Synonyms: affinity

    • Usage: an affinity for politics
    • Usage: the mysterious affinity between them
    • Usage: James's affinity with Sam
  • Other words to learn

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