Aflame meaning in Hindi

Aflame is a english word.

Aflame Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • aflame = प्रज्वलित

    • Usage: Once the fire started in the kitchen, it took no time for the whole house to be aflame.

Aflame Meaning in Detail

  • aflame (adj) = keenly excited (especially sexually) or indicating excitement

    Synonyms: ablaze, aflame, aroused

    • Usage: his face all ablaze with excitement"- Bram Stoker
    • Usage: he was aflame with desire
  • aflame (adj) = lighted up by or as by fire or flame

    Synonyms: ablaze, afire, aflame, aflare, alight, on_fire

    • Usage: forests set ablaze (or afire) by lightning
    • Usage: even the car's tires were aflame
    • Usage: a night aflare with fireworks
    • Usage: candles alight on the tables
    • Usage: houses on fire
  • Other words to learn

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