Agitation meaning in Hindi

Agitation is a english word.

Agitation Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • agitation = आन्दोलन{बैचेनी}

    • Usage: The students agitation is for better infrastructural facilities.

Agitation Meaning in Detail

  • agitation (noun) = a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance

    Synonyms: agitation

  • agitation (noun) = a state of agitation or turbulent change or development

    Synonyms: agitation, ferment, fermentation, tempestuousness, unrest

    • Usage: the political ferment produced new leadership
    • Usage: social unrest
  • agitation (noun) = the feeling of being agitated; not calm

    Synonyms: agitation

  • agitation (noun) = disturbance usually in protest

    Synonyms: agitation, excitement, turmoil, upheaval, hullabaloo

  • agitation (noun) = the act of agitating something; causing it to move around (usually vigorously)

    Synonyms: agitation

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