Amenable meaning in Hindi

Amenable is a english word.

Amenable Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • amenable = जवाबदेही/आज्ञाकारी/वश्य

    • Usage: An employee is amenable to the officer.

Amenable Meaning in Detail

  • amenable (adj) = disposed or willing to comply

    Synonyms: amenable, conformable

    • Usage: someone amenable to persuasion
  • amenable (adj) = readily reacting to suggestions and influences

    Synonyms: amenable, tractable

    • Usage: a responsive student
  • amenable (adj) = open to being acted upon in a certain way

    Synonyms: amenable

    • Usage: an amenable hospitalization should not result in untimely death
    • Usage: the tumor was not amenable to surgical treatment
  • amenable (adj) = liable to answer to a higher authority

    Synonyms: amenable

    • Usage: the president is amenable to the constitutional court
  • Other words to learn

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