Asleep meaning in Hindi

Asleep is a english word.

Asleep Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • asleep = सोता हुआ/सुशुप्त

    • Usage: I found him fast asleep in his room.

Asleep Meaning in Detail

  • asleep (adj) = in a state of sleep

    Synonyms: asleep

    • Usage: were all asleep when the phone rang
    • Usage: fell asleep at the wheel
  • asleep (adj) = lacking sensation

    Synonyms: asleep, benumbed, numb

    • Usage: my foot is asleep
    • Usage: numb with cold
  • asleep (adj) = dead

    Synonyms: asleep, at_peace, at_rest, deceased, departed, gone

    • Usage: he is deceased
    • Usage: our dear departed friend
  • asleep (adv) = into a sleeping state

    Synonyms: asleep

    • Usage: he fell asleep
  • asleep (adv) = in the sleep of death

    Synonyms: asleep

  • Other words to learn

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