Badge meaning in Hindi

Badge is a english word.

Badge Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • badge = बिल्ला

    • Usage: Ram wore a badge saying,'SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT'
    • Usage: राम ने एक बिल्ला लगा रखा था जो दर्शाता था ,'वातावरण को बचाओ.

Badge Meaning in Detail

  • badge (noun) = an emblem (a small piece of plastic or cloth or metal) that signifies your status (rank or membership or affiliation etc.)

    Synonyms: badge

    • Usage: they checked everyone's badge before letting them in
  • badge (noun) = any feature that is regarded as a sign of status (a particular power or quality or rank)

    Synonyms: badge

    • Usage: wearing a tie was regarded as a badge of respectability
  • badge (verb) = put a badge on

    Synonyms: badge

    • Usage: The workers here must be badged
  • Other words to learn

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