Beep meaning in Hindi

Beep is a english word.

Beep Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • beep = एक प्रकार की आवाज़

    • Usage: I heard a beep from the computer.
  • beep = आवाज़ करना

    • Usage: The computer beeps regularly.

Beep Meaning in Detail

  • beep (noun) = a short high tone produced as a signal or warning

    Synonyms: beep, bleep

  • beep (verb) = make a loud noise

    Synonyms: honk, blare, beep, claxon, toot

    • Usage: The horns of the taxis blared
  • beep (verb) = call, summon, or alert with a beeper

    Synonyms: beep

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