Bicker meaning in Hindi

Bicker is a english word.

Bicker Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • bicker = झगड़ा

    • Usage: I get jittery when I see the bicker of children.
  • bicker = झगड़ा करना

    • Usage: Children keep bickering all the time.

Bicker Meaning in Detail

  • bicker (noun) = a quarrel about petty points

    Synonyms: bicker, bickering, spat, tiff, squabble, pettifoggery, fuss

  • bicker (verb) = argue over petty things

    Synonyms: quibble, niggle, pettifog, bicker, squabble, brabble

    • Usage: Let's not quibble over pennies
  • Other words to learn

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