Biting meaning in Hindi

Biting is a english word.

Biting Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • biting = चुभता हुआ

    • Usage: It was biting cold outside.

Biting Meaning in Detail

  • biting (verb) = to grip, cut off, or tear with or as if with the teeth or jaws

    Synonyms: bite, seize_with_teeth

    • Usage: Gunny invariably tried to bite her
  • biting (verb) = cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort

    Synonyms: bite, sting, burn

    • Usage: The sun burned his face
  • biting (verb) = penetrate or cut, as with a knife

    Synonyms: bite

    • Usage: The fork bit into the surface
  • biting (verb) = deliver a sting to

    Synonyms: sting, bite, prick

    • Usage: A bee stung my arm yesterday
  • biting (adj) = capable of wounding

    Synonyms: barbed, biting, nipping, pungent, mordacious

    • Usage: a barbed compliment
    • Usage: a biting aphorism
    • Usage: pungent satire
  • biting (adj) = causing a sharply painful or stinging sensation; used especially of cold

    Synonyms: biting, bitter

    • Usage: bitter cold
    • Usage: a biting wind
  • Other words to learn

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