Bootleg meaning in Hindi

Bootleg is a english word.

Bootleg Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • bootleg = अवैध तरीके से शराब बनाना और बेचना

    • Usage: Government has put the ban on smuggling bootleg liquor.

Bootleg Meaning in Detail

  • bootleg (noun) = whiskey illegally distilled from a corn mash

    Synonyms: moonshine, bootleg, corn_liquor

  • bootleg (noun) = the part of a boot above the instep

    Synonyms: bootleg

  • bootleg (verb) = sell illicit products such as drugs or alcohol

    Synonyms: bootleg

    • Usage: They were bootlegging whiskey
  • bootleg (verb) = produce or distribute illegally

    Synonyms: bootleg

    • Usage: bootleg tapes of the diva's singing
  • bootleg (adj) = distributed or sold illicitly

    Synonyms: bootleg, black, black-market, contraband, smuggled

    • Usage: the black economy pays no taxes
  • Other words to learn

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