Broadcast meaning in Hindi

Broadcast is a english word.

Broadcast Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • broadcast = प्रसारित

    • Usage: The broadcast news
    • Usage: The broadcast sowing of wheat
  • broadcast = चारों ओर/फेंक कर

  • broadcast = प्रसारित करना

    • Usage: The event was broadcasted live on TV.
  • broadcast = चारों ओर

    • Usage: I watch the news broadcast on our local channel.

Broadcast Meaning in Detail

  • broadcast (noun) = message that is transmitted by radio or television

    Synonyms: broadcast

  • broadcast (noun) = a radio or television show

    Synonyms: broadcast, program, programme

    • Usage: did you see his program last night?
  • broadcast (verb) = broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television

    Synonyms: air, send, broadcast, beam, transmit

    • Usage: We cannot air this X-rated song
  • broadcast (verb) = sow over a wide area, especially by hand

    Synonyms: broadcast

    • Usage: broadcast seeds
  • broadcast (verb) = cause to become widely known

    Synonyms: circulate, circularize, circularise, distribute, disseminate, propagate, broadcast, spread, diffuse, disperse, pass_around

    • Usage: spread information
    • Usage: circulate a rumor
    • Usage: broadcast the news
  • Other words to learn

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