Buffet meaning in Hindi

Buffet is a english word.

Buffet Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • buffet = बुफे

    • Usage: We were given a buffet lunch.
  • buffet = धक्का मुक्की करना

    • Usage: Winds buffeted the tent
    • Usage: The wind buffeted him

Buffet Meaning in Detail

  • buffet (noun) = a piece of furniture that stands at the side of a dining room; has shelves and drawers

    Synonyms: buffet, counter, sideboard

  • buffet (noun) = a meal set out on a buffet at which guests help themselves

    Synonyms: buffet

  • buffet (noun) = usually inexpensive bar

    Synonyms: snack_bar, snack_counter, buffet

  • buffet (verb) = strike against forcefully

    Synonyms: buffet, knock_about, batter

    • Usage: Winds buffeted the tent
  • buffet (verb) = strike, beat repeatedly

    Synonyms: buffet, buff

    • Usage: The wind buffeted him
  • Other words to learn

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