Call forth meaning in Hindi

Call forth is a english word.

Call forth Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • call forth = दिखाना

    • Usage: His statements called forth an angry reaction from the public.

Call forth Meaning in Detail

  • call forth (verb) = evoke or provoke to appear or occur

    Synonyms: provoke, evoke, call_forth, kick_up

    • Usage: Her behavior provoked a quarrel between the couple
  • call forth (verb) = summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic

    Synonyms: raise, conjure, conjure_up, invoke, evoke, stir, call_down, arouse, bring_up, put_forward, call_forth

    • Usage: raise the specter of unemployment
    • Usage: he conjured wild birds in the air
    • Usage: call down the spirits from the mountain
  • Other words to learn

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