Capital meaning in Hindi

Capital is a english word.

Capital Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • capital = बड़ा अक्षर

    • Usage: Proper names are always written in capital letters.
  • capital = मृत्युदण्ड

    • Usage: Some citizens do not believe in capital punishment for murder.
  • capital = राजधानी

    • Usage: Delhi is the capital of India.
  • capital = पूँजी/मूलधन

    • Usage: We require a huge capital to start a business.

Capital Meaning in Detail

  • capital (noun) = assets available for use in the production of further assets

    Synonyms: capital, working_capital

  • capital (noun) = wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value

    Synonyms: capital

  • capital (noun) = a seat of government

    Synonyms: capital

  • capital (noun) = one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis; capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case and so became known as upper-case letters"

    Synonyms: capital, capital_letter, uppercase, upper-case_letter, majuscule

    • Usage: printers once kept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases
  • capital (noun) = a center that is associated more than any other with some activity or product

    Synonyms: capital

    • Usage: the crime capital of Italy
    • Usage: the drug capital of Columbia
  • capital (noun) = the federal government of the United States

    Synonyms: Capital, Washington

  • capital (noun) = a book written by Karl Marx (1867) describing his economic theories

    Synonyms: Das_Kapital, Capital

  • capital (noun) = the upper part of a column that supports the entablature

    Synonyms: capital, chapiter, cap

  • capital (adj) = first-rate

    Synonyms: capital

    • Usage: a capital fellow
    • Usage: a capital idea
  • capital (adj) = of primary importance

    Synonyms: capital

    • Usage: our capital concern was to avoid defeat
  • capital (adj) = uppercase

    Synonyms: capital, great, majuscule

    • Usage: capital A
    • Usage: great A
    • Usage: many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script
  • Other words to learn

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