Certify meaning in Hindi

Certify is a english word.

Certify Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • certify = प्रमाणित करना

    • Usage: He was certified unfit for playing.

Certify Meaning in Detail

  • certify (verb) = provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes

    Synonyms: attest, certify, manifest, demonstrate, evidence

    • Usage: His high fever attested to his illness
    • Usage: The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication
    • Usage: This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness
  • certify (verb) = guarantee payment on; of checks

    Synonyms: certify

  • certify (verb) = authorize officially

    Synonyms: license, licence, certify

    • Usage: I am licensed to practice law in this state
  • certify (verb) = guarantee as meeting a certain standard

    Synonyms: certify, endorse, indorse

    • Usage: certified grade AAA meat
  • certify (verb) = declare legally insane

    Synonyms: certify

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