Chatter meaning in Hindi

Chatter is a english word.

Chatter Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • chatter = चीं-चीं की आवाज़

    • Usage: I can hear the chatter of birds from my window.
  • chatter = बकबक

    • Usage: At the party there was a much excited chatter.
  • chatter = बकबक करना

    • Usage: Those girls keep chattering whole day.
  • chatter = कटकटाना

    • Usage: My teeth chattered because of cold.

Chatter Meaning in Detail

  • chatter (noun) = noisy talk

    Synonyms: yak, yack, yakety-yak, chatter, cackle

  • chatter (noun) = the rapid series of noises made by the parts of a machine

    Synonyms: chatter, chattering

  • chatter (noun) = the high-pitched continuing noise made by animals (birds or monkeys)

    Synonyms: chatter, chattering

  • chatter (verb) = click repeatedly or uncontrollably

    Synonyms: chatter, click

    • Usage: Chattering teeth
  • chatter (verb) = cut unevenly with a chattering tool

    Synonyms: chatter

  • chatter (verb) = talk socially without exchanging too much information

    Synonyms: chew_the_fat, shoot_the_breeze, chat, confabulate, confab, chitchat, chit-chat, chatter, chaffer, natter, gossip, jaw, claver, visit

    • Usage: the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze
  • chatter (verb) = speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly

    Synonyms: chatter, piffle, palaver, prate, tittle-tattle, twaddle, clack, maunder, prattle, blab, gibber, tattle, blabber, gabble

  • chatter (verb) = make noise as if chattering away

    Synonyms: chatter

    • Usage: The magpies were chattering in the trees
  • Other words to learn

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