Circulate meaning in Hindi

Circulate is a english word.

Circulate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • circulate = चारों ओर भेजना

    • Usage: The fan circulates the air in the room.
  • circulate = फैलाना

    • Usage: Some magazines circulate rumours.

Circulate Meaning in Detail

  • circulate (verb) = become widely known and passed on

    Synonyms: go_around, spread, circulate

    • Usage: the rumor spread
    • Usage: the story went around in the office
  • circulate (verb) = cause to become widely known

    Synonyms: circulate, circularize, circularise, distribute, disseminate, propagate, broadcast, spread, diffuse, disperse, pass_around

    • Usage: spread information
    • Usage: circulate a rumor
    • Usage: broadcast the news
  • circulate (verb) = cause be distributed

    Synonyms: circulate, pass_around, pass_on, distribute

    • Usage: This letter is being circulated among the faculty
  • circulate (verb) = move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point

    Synonyms: circulate

    • Usage: Blood circulates in my veins
    • Usage: The air here does not circulate
  • circulate (verb) = move in circles

    Synonyms: circle, circulate

  • circulate (verb) = cause to move in a circuit or system

    Synonyms: circulate

    • Usage: The fan circulates the air in the room
  • circulate (verb) = move around freely

    Synonyms: circulate

    • Usage: She circulates among royalty
  • circulate (verb) = cause to move around

    Synonyms: mobilize, mobilise, circulate

    • Usage: circulate a rumor
  • Other words to learn

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