Clink meaning in Hindi

Clink is a english word.

Clink Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • clink = टन-टन की आवाज़

    • Usage: I heard the clink of keys.
  • clink = टन-टन आवाज़ करना

    • Usage: He clinked the bunch of keys.

Clink Meaning in Detail

  • clink (noun) = a short light metallic sound

    Synonyms: chink, click, clink

  • clink (noun) = a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence)

    Synonyms: jail, jailhouse, gaol, clink, slammer, poky, pokey

  • clink (verb) = make a high sound typical of glass

    Synonyms: clink

    • Usage: champagne glasses clinked to make a toast
  • clink (verb) = make or emit a high sound

    Synonyms: tinkle, tink, clink, chink

    • Usage: tinkling bells
  • Other words to learn

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