Coma meaning in Hindi

Coma is a english word.

Coma Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • coma = बेहोशी की नींद

    • Usage: The patient went into coma.

Coma Meaning in Detail

  • coma (noun) = a state of deep and often prolonged unconsciousness; usually the result of disease or injury

    Synonyms: coma, comatoseness

  • coma (noun) = (botany) a usually terminal tuft of bracts (as in the pineapple) or tuft of hairs (especially on certain seeds)

    Synonyms: coma

  • coma (noun) = (astronomy) the luminous cloud of particles surrounding the frozen nucleus of a comet; forms as the comet approaches the sun and is warmed

    Synonyms: coma

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