Command meaning in Hindi

Command is a english word.

Command Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • command = शासन

    • Usage: The command of the Army is with the General.
  • command = आज्ञा

    • Usage: He was dismissed from service for violating the officer's command.
  • command = वश/शक्ति

    • Usage: She has a good command over French.
  • command = शासन करना

    • Usage: The general commanded a huge army
  • command = माँगना

    • Usage: This speaker commands a high fee

Command Meaning in Detail

  • command (noun) = an authoritative direction or instruction to do something

    Synonyms: command, bid, bidding, dictation

  • command (noun) = a military unit or region under the control of a single officer

    Synonyms: command

  • command (noun) = the power or authority to command

    Synonyms: command

    • Usage: an admiral in command
  • command (noun) = availability for use

    Synonyms: command

    • Usage: the materials at the command of the potters grew
  • command (noun) = a position of highest authority

    Synonyms: command

    • Usage: the corporation has just undergone a change in command
  • command (noun) = great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity

    Synonyms: command, control, mastery

    • Usage: a good command of French
  • command (noun) = (computer science) a line of code written as part of a computer program

    Synonyms: instruction, command, statement, program_line

  • command (verb) = be in command of

    Synonyms: command

    • Usage: The general commanded a huge army
  • command (verb) = make someone do something

    Synonyms: command, require

  • command (verb) = demand as one's due

    Synonyms: command

    • Usage: This speaker commands a high fee
    • Usage: The author commands a fair hearing from his readers
  • command (verb) = look down on

    Synonyms: dominate, command, overlook, overtop

    • Usage: The villa dominates the town
  • command (verb) = exercise authoritative control or power over

    Synonyms: control, command

    • Usage: control the budget
    • Usage: Command the military forces
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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