Commutation meaning in Hindi

Commutation is a english word.

Commutation Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • commutation = भारी दण्‍ड़ के स्थान पर हल्का दण्ड़ देना

    • Usage: They appealed for commutation of his death sentence with life imprisonment.

Commutation Meaning in Detail

  • commutation (noun) = the travel of a commuter

    Synonyms: commutation, commuting

  • commutation (noun) = a warrant substituting a lesser punishment for a greater one

    Synonyms: commutation

  • commutation (noun) = (law) the reduction in severity of a punishment imposed by law

    Synonyms: commutation, re-sentencing

  • commutation (noun) = the act of putting one thing or person in the place of another: "he sent Smith in for Jones but the substitution came too late to help"

    Synonyms: substitution, exchange, commutation

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