Compact meaning in Hindi

Compact is a english word.

Compact Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • compact = गठा हुआ

    • Usage: I saw a compact mass of sand.
  • compact = छोटा और साफ

    • Usage: This computer is compact and versatile.
  • compact = दो लोग या दो देशों के बीच सहमति

    • Usage: India and USA have made a compact to fight terrorism.
  • compact = छोटी सी ड़िबीया

    • Usage: She kept her cosmetic items in a compact.

Compact Meaning in Detail

  • compact (noun) = a small cosmetics case with a mirror; to be carried in a woman's purse

    Synonyms: compact, powder_compact

  • compact (noun) = a signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action

    Synonyms: covenant, compact, concordat

  • compact (noun) = a small and economical car

    Synonyms: compact, compact_car

  • compact (verb) = have the property of being packable or of compacting easily

    Synonyms: compact, pack

    • Usage: This powder compacts easily
    • Usage: Such odd-shaped items do not pack well
  • compact (verb) = compress into a wad

    Synonyms: pack, bundle, wad, compact

    • Usage: wad paper into the box
  • compact (verb) = make more compact by or as if by pressing

    Synonyms: compress, compact, pack_together

    • Usage: compress the data
  • compact (verb) = squeeze or press together

    Synonyms: compress, constrict, squeeze, compact, contract, press

    • Usage: she compressed her lips
    • Usage: the spasm contracted the muscle
  • compact (adj) = closely and firmly united or packed together

    Synonyms: compact

    • Usage: compact soil
    • Usage: compact clusters of flowers
  • compact (adj) = having a short and solid form or stature

    Synonyms: compact, heavyset, stocky, thick, thickset

    • Usage: a wrestler of compact build
    • Usage: he was tall and heavyset
    • Usage: stocky legs
    • Usage: a thickset young man
  • compact (adj) = briefly giving the gist of something

    Synonyms: compendious, compact, succinct, summary

    • Usage: a short and compendious book
    • Usage: a compact style is brief and pithy
    • Usage: succinct comparisons
    • Usage: a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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