Confess meaning in Hindi

Confess is a english word.

Confess Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • confess = दोष स्वीकार कर

  • confess = अंगीकार करना

    • Usage: She confessed that she had taken the money.

Confess Meaning in Detail

  • confess (verb) = confess to a punishable or reprehensible deed, usually under pressure

    Synonyms: confess, squeal, fink

  • confess (verb) = admit (to a wrongdoing)

    Synonyms: concede, profess, confess

    • Usage: She confessed that she had taken the money
  • confess (verb) = confess to God in the presence of a priest, as in the Catholic faith

    Synonyms: confess

  • Other words to learn

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