Contiguous meaning in Hindi

Contiguous is a english word.

Contiguous Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • contiguous = निकटवर्ती/समीपस्थ

    • Usage: Contiguous bad events in her life,broke her down completely.

Contiguous Meaning in Detail

  • contiguous (adj) = very close or connected in space or time

    Synonyms: contiguous, immediate

    • Usage: contiguous events
    • Usage: immediate contact
    • Usage: the immediate vicinity
    • Usage: the immediate past
  • contiguous (adj) = connecting without a break; within a common boundary

    Synonyms: conterminous, contiguous

    • Usage: the 48 conterminous states
    • Usage: the contiguous 48 states
  • contiguous (adj) = having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching; Massachusetts and Conncecticut"

    Synonyms: adjacent, conterminous, contiguous, neighboring

    • Usage: Rhode Island has two bordering states
    • Usage: the side of Germany conterminous with France
    • Usage: Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho
    • Usage: neighboring cities
  • Other words to learn

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