Contribute meaning in Hindi

Contribute is a english word.

Contribute Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • contribute = सहयोग देना

    • Usage: His work has contributed new information on a difficult problem.
  • contribute = सहायता करना/चंदा देना

    • Usage: You should contribute old clothes for the victims of flood.
    • Usage: Contribute some money to the charity collection.
  • contribute = भाग लेना

    • Usage: The chairman encouraged everyone to contribute to the discussion.
  • contribute = प्रकाशन हेतु देना

    • Usage: She contributes small poems regularly to her school magazine.

Contribute Meaning in Detail

  • contribute (verb) = bestow a quality on

    Synonyms: lend, impart, bestow, contribute, add, bring

    • Usage: Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company
    • Usage: The music added a lot to the play
    • Usage: She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings
    • Usage: This adds a light note to the program
  • contribute (verb) = contribute to some cause

    Synonyms: contribute, give, chip_in, kick_in

    • Usage: I gave at the office
  • contribute (verb) = be conducive to

    Synonyms: contribute, lead, conduce

    • Usage: The use of computers in the classroom lead to better writing
  • contribute (verb) = provide

    Synonyms: put_up, contribute

    • Usage: The city has to put up half the required amount
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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