Cook meaning in Hindi

Cook is a english word.

Cook Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • cook = रसोइया

    • Usage: She is a very good cook.
  • cook = पकाना

    • Usage: My husband doesn't cook.
    • Usage: These potatoes have to cook for 20 minutes.
    • Usage: His accountant cooked up the financial records.

Cook Meaning in Detail

  • cook (noun) = someone who cooks food

    Synonyms: cook

  • cook (noun) = English navigator who claimed the east coast of Australia for Britain and discovered several Pacific islands (1728-1779)

    Synonyms: Cook, James_Cook, Captain_Cook, Captain_James_Cook

  • cook (verb) = prepare a hot meal

    Synonyms: cook

    • Usage: My husband doesn't cook
  • cook (verb) = prepare for eating by applying heat

    Synonyms: cook, fix, ready, make, prepare

    • Usage: Cook me dinner, please
    • Usage: can you make me an omelette?
    • Usage: fix breakfast for the guests, please
  • cook (verb) = transform and make suitable for consumption by heating

    Synonyms: cook

    • Usage: These potatoes have to cook for 20 minutes
  • cook (verb) = tamper, with the purpose of deception

    Synonyms: fudge, manipulate, fake, falsify, cook, wangle, misrepresent

    • Usage: Fudge the figures
    • Usage: cook the books
    • Usage: falsify the data
  • cook (verb) = transform by heating

    Synonyms: cook

    • Usage: The apothecary cooked the medicinal mixture in a big iron kettle
  • Other words to learn

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