Crack meaning in Hindi
Crack is a english word.Crack Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
crack = दरार
- Usage: There was a crack in the window frame.
crack = चटकने की आवाज़
- Usage: The crack of a whip, could be heard from my house.
crack = सनकी
- Usage: She is a crack.
crack = धमाका
- Usage: There was a loud crack of thunder in the night.
crack = करारी चोट
- Usage: She fell down and got a crack on the head.
crack = क्रैक{एक प्रकार की नशीली दवा}
- Usage: Crack is now freely available in India also.
crack = चटकना
- Usage: The glass cracked when it was heated
crack = टूटना
- Usage: The child fell on the ground and cracked her bone.
crack = फटना
- Usage: Her lips were dry and cracked.
crack = जोर से टकराना
- Usage: She cracked her head on the wall.
crack = धमाका करना
- Usage: The hunter's rifle cracked and the fox fell dead.
crack = भर्रा जाना
- Usage: Her voice cracked while talking about her dead son.
crack = मनोवैज्ञानिक दवाब में आजाना
- Usage: The lawyer questioned her for three hours and she finally cracked.
crack = समाधान निकालना
- Usage: Our new computer game is a tricky one,but my son finally cracked it.
crack = कहना
- Usage: She is very good at cracking jokes.
Crack Meaning in Detail
crack (noun) = a long narrow opening
Synonyms: crack, cleft, crevice, fissure, scissure
crack (noun) = a narrow opening
Synonyms: gap, crack
- Usage: he opened the window a crack
crack (noun) = a long narrow depression in a surface
Synonyms: crevice, cranny, crack, fissure, chap
crack (noun) = a sudden sharp noise
Synonyms: crack, cracking, snap
- Usage: the crack of a whip
- Usage: he heard the cracking of the ice
- Usage: he can hear the snap of a twig
crack (noun) = a chance to do something
Synonyms: shot, crack
- Usage: he wanted a shot at the champion
crack (noun) = witty remark
Synonyms: wisecrack, crack, sally, quip
crack (noun) = a blemish resulting from a break without complete separation of the parts
Synonyms: crack
- Usage: there was a crack in the mirror
crack (noun) = a purified and potent form of cocaine that is smoked rather than snorted; highly addictive
Synonyms: crack, crack_cocaine, tornado
crack (noun) = a usually brief attempt
Synonyms: crack, fling, go, pass, whirl, offer
- Usage: he took a crack at it
- Usage: I gave it a whirl
crack (noun) = the act of cracking something
Synonyms: fracture, crack, cracking
crack (verb) = become fractured; break or crack on the surface only
Synonyms: crack, check, break
- Usage: The glass cracked when it was heated
crack (verb) = make a very sharp explosive sound
Synonyms: crack
- Usage: His gun cracked
crack (verb) = make a sharp sound
Synonyms: snap, crack
- Usage: his fingers snapped
crack (verb) = hit forcefully; deal a hard blow, making a cracking noise
Synonyms: crack
- Usage: The teacher cracked him across the face with a ruler
crack (verb) = pass through (a barrier)
Synonyms: break_through, crack
- Usage: Registrations cracked through the 30,000 mark in the county
crack (verb) = break partially but keep its integrity
Synonyms: crack
- Usage: The glass cracked
crack (verb) = break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension
Synonyms: snap, crack
- Usage: The pipe snapped
crack (verb) = gain unauthorized access computers with malicious intentions
Synonyms: crack
- Usage: she cracked my password
- Usage: crack a safe
crack (verb) = suffer a nervous breakdown
Synonyms: crack_up, crack, crock_up, break_up, collapse
crack (verb) = tell spontaneously
Synonyms: crack
- Usage: crack a joke
crack (verb) = cause to become cracked
Synonyms: crack
- Usage: heat and light cracked the back of the leather chair
crack (verb) = reduce (petroleum) to a simpler compound by cracking
Synonyms: crack
crack (verb) = break into simpler molecules by means of heat
Synonyms: crack
- Usage: The petroleum cracked
crack (adj) = of the highest quality
Synonyms: ace, A-one, crack, first-rate, super, tiptop, topnotch, top-notch, tops
- Usage: an ace reporter
- Usage: a crack shot
- Usage: a first-rate golfer
- Usage: a super party
- Usage: played top-notch tennis
- Usage: an athlete in tiptop condition
- Usage: she is absolutely tops
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