Create meaning in Hindi

Create is a english word.

Create Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • create = रचना/सृष्टि करना/उत्पन्न करना

    • Usage: God has created the world.
  • create = बढ़ावा देना

    • Usage: Her rude behavior created a bad impression.
  • create = निर्माण करना

    • Usage: The company was created 25 years ago
  • create = सृजन करना

    • Usage: She can easily create a poem;

Create Meaning in Detail

  • create (verb) = make or cause to be or to become

    Synonyms: make, create

    • Usage: make a mess in one's office
    • Usage: create a furor
  • create (verb) = bring into existence

    Synonyms: create

    • Usage: The company was created 25 years ago
    • Usage: He created a new movement in painting
  • create (verb) = pursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity

    Synonyms: create

    • Usage: Don't disturb him--he is creating
  • create (verb) = invest with a new title, office, or rank

    Synonyms: create

    • Usage: Create one a peer
  • create (verb) = create by artistic means

    Synonyms: create, make

    • Usage: create a poem
    • Usage: Schoenberg created twelve-tone music
    • Usage: Picasso created Cubism
    • Usage: Auden made verses
  • create (verb) = create or manufacture a man-made product

    Synonyms: produce, make, create

    • Usage: We produce more cars than we can sell
    • Usage: The company has been making toys for two centuries
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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