Creeper meaning in Hindi

Creeper is a english word.

Creeper Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • creeper = लता/वर्तिका

    • Usage: Our december creeper blooms in the month of dec.jan.

Creeper Meaning in Detail

  • creeper (noun) = any plant (as ivy or periwinkle) that grows by creeping

    Synonyms: creeper

  • creeper (noun) = a person who crawls or creeps along the ground

    Synonyms: crawler, creeper

  • creeper (noun) = any of various small insectivorous birds of the northern hemisphere that climb up a tree trunk supporting themselves on stiff tail feathers and their feet

    Synonyms: creeper, tree_creeper

  • Other words to learn

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