Crib meaning in Hindi

Crib is a english word.

Crib Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • crib = नांद/टोकरा

    • Usage: Cattles usually eat its fodder from the crib.
  • crib = पालना/खटोला

    • Usage: She bought a beautiful crib from the emporium for her baby.
  • crib = नकल करना

    • Usage: She was caught cribbing in the exams.

Crib Meaning in Detail

  • crib (noun) = baby bed with high sides made of slats

    Synonyms: crib, cot

  • crib (noun) = a literal translation used in studying a foreign language (often used illicitly)

    Synonyms: pony, trot, crib

  • crib (noun) = a bin or granary for storing grains

    Synonyms: crib

  • crib (noun) = the cards discarded by players at cribbage

    Synonyms: crib

  • crib (noun) = a card game (usually for two players) in which each player is dealt six cards and discards one or two

    Synonyms: cribbage, crib

  • crib (verb) = use a crib, as in an exam

    Synonyms: crib

  • crib (verb) = take unauthorized (intellectual material)

    Synonyms: crib

  • crib (verb) = line with beams or planks

    Synonyms: crib

    • Usage: crib a construction hole
  • Other words to learn

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