Crossover meaning in Hindi

Crossover is a english word.

Crossover Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • crossover = आर-पार पुल बनाना

    • Usage: planning to construct a crossover bridge on the river.

Crossover Meaning in Detail

  • crossover (noun) = the interchange of sections between pairing homologous chromosomes during the prophase of meiosis

    Synonyms: crossing_over, crossover

  • crossover (noun) = a voter who is registered as a member of one political party but who votes in the primary of another party

    Synonyms: crossover_voter, crossover

  • crossover (noun) = the appropriation of a new style (especially in popular music) by combining elements of different genres in order to appeal to a wider audience

    Synonyms: crossover

    • Usage: a jazz-classical crossover album
  • crossover (noun) = a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other

    Synonyms: crossing, crosswalk, crossover

  • Other words to learn

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