Crowded meaning in Hindi

Crowded is a english word.

Crowded Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • crowded = भीड़ वाला

    • Usage: In summer Shimla is crowded with tourists.

Crowded Meaning in Detail

  • crowded (verb) = cause to herd, drive, or crowd together

    Synonyms: herd, crowd

    • Usage: We herded the children into a spare classroom
  • crowded (verb) = fill or occupy to the point of overflowing

    Synonyms: crowd

    • Usage: The students crowded the auditorium
  • crowded (verb) = to gather together in large numbers

    Synonyms: crowd, crowd_together

    • Usage: men in straw boaters and waxed mustaches crowded the verandah
  • crowded (verb) = approach a certain age or speed

    Synonyms: push, crowd

    • Usage: She is pushing fifty
  • crowded (adj) = overfilled or compacted or concentrated

    Synonyms: crowded

    • Usage: a crowded theater
    • Usage: a crowded program
    • Usage: crowded trains
    • Usage: a young mother's crowded days
  • Other words to learn

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