Cruiser meaning in Hindi

Cruiser is a english word.

Cruiser Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • cruiser = तीव्रगामी युद्धपोत

    • Usage: A cruiser was hit by a missile

Cruiser Meaning in Detail

  • cruiser (noun) = a car in which policemen cruise the streets; equipped with radiotelephonic communications to headquarters

    Synonyms: cruiser, police_cruiser, patrol_car, police_car, prowl_car, squad_car

  • cruiser (noun) = a large fast warship; smaller than a battleship and larger than a destroyer

    Synonyms: cruiser

  • cruiser (noun) = a large motorboat that has a cabin and plumbing and other conveniences necessary for living on board

    Synonyms: cabin_cruiser, cruiser, pleasure_boat, pleasure_craft

  • Other words to learn

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