Cube meaning in Hindi

Cube is a english word.

Cube Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • cube = क्यूब

    • Usage: A cube has six equal square sides
  • cube = घनफल

    • Usage: The cube of 4*4*4 is 84

Cube Meaning in Detail

  • cube (noun) = a hexahedron with six equal squares as faces

    Synonyms: cube, regular_hexahedron

  • cube (noun) = a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides

    Synonyms: block, cube

  • cube (noun) = the product of three equal terms

    Synonyms: cube, third_power

  • cube (noun) = any of several tropical American woody plants of the genus Lonchocarpus whose roots are used locally as a fish poison and commercially as a source of rotenone

    Synonyms: cube

  • cube (noun) = a block in the (approximate) shape of a cube

    Synonyms: cube, square_block

  • cube (verb) = raise to the third power

    Synonyms: cube

  • cube (verb) = cut into cubes

    Synonyms: cube, dice

    • Usage: cube the cheese
  • Other words to learn

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