Damages meaning in Hindi

Damages is a english word.

Damages Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • damages = हरजाना/दण्ड/क्षतिपूर्ति

    • Usage: How can one repair the damages to one's reputation.

Damages Meaning in Detail

  • damages (noun) = a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury

    Synonyms: damages, amends, indemnity, indemnification, restitution, redress

  • damages (noun) = the occurrence of a change for the worse

    Synonyms: damage, harm, impairment

  • damages (noun) = loss of military equipment

    Synonyms: damage, equipment_casualty

  • damages (noun) = the act of damaging something or someone

    Synonyms: damage, harm, hurt, scathe

  • damages (noun) = the amount of money needed to purchase something

    Synonyms: price, terms, damage

    • Usage: the price of gasoline
    • Usage: he got his new car on excellent terms
    • Usage: how much is the damage?
  • damages (noun) = any harm or injury resulting from a violation of a legal right

    Synonyms: wrong, legal_injury, damage

  • damages (verb) = inflict damage upon

    Synonyms: damage

    • Usage: The snow damaged the roof
    • Usage: She damaged the car when she hit the tree
  • damages (verb) = suffer or be susceptible to damage

    Synonyms: damage

    • Usage: These fine china cups damage easily
  • Other words to learn

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