Damp meaning in Hindi

Damp is a english word.

Damp Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • damp = नम/गीला

    • Usage: He was wearing clothes damp with perspiration
  • damp = नमी

    • Usage: She hung the damp clothes to dry properly.
  • damp = उत्साह हीनता

    • Usage: They reconciled to the damp caused by the accident.
  • damp = नम करना

    • Usage: Don't dampen the powder, it will get sticky.
  • damp = हतोत्साह करना

    • Usage: Their spirits dampened after their introduction to the new teacher.

Damp Meaning in Detail

  • damp (noun) = a slight wetness

    Synonyms: damp, dampness, moistness

  • damp (verb) = deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping

    Synonyms: muffle, mute, dull, damp, dampen, tone_down

  • damp (verb) = restrain or discourage

    Synonyms: damp

    • Usage: the sudden bad news damped the joyous atmosphere
  • damp (verb) = make vague or obscure or make (an image) less visible

    Synonyms: dampen, deaden, damp

    • Usage: muffle the message
  • damp (verb) = lessen in force or effect

    Synonyms: dampen, damp, soften, weaken, break

    • Usage: soften a shock
    • Usage: break a fall
  • damp (adj) = slightly wet

    Synonyms: damp, dampish, moist

    • Usage: clothes damp with perspiration
    • Usage: a moist breeze
    • Usage: eyes moist with tears
  • Other words to learn

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