Daring meaning in Hindi

Daring is a english word.

Daring Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • daring = साहसी

    • Usage: David was a daring warrior in his young days.
  • daring = वीरता/साहस

    • Usage: Some students have the daring to disobey the teacher.

Daring Meaning in Detail

  • daring (noun) = a challenge to do something dangerous or foolhardy

    Synonyms: dare, daring

    • Usage: he could never refuse a dare
  • daring (noun) = the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger

    Synonyms: boldness, daring, hardiness, hardihood

    • Usage: the proposal required great boldness
    • Usage: the plan required great hardiness of heart
  • daring (verb) = take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission

    Synonyms: make_bold, dare, presume

    • Usage: How dare you call my lawyer?
  • daring (verb) = to be courageous enough to try or do something

    Synonyms: dare

    • Usage: I don't dare call him", "she dares to dress differently from the others
  • daring (verb) = challenge

    Synonyms: defy, dare

    • Usage: I dare you!
  • daring (adj) = disposed to venture or take risks

    Synonyms: audacious, daring, venturesome, venturous

    • Usage: audacious visions of the total conquest of space
    • Usage: an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas
    • Usage: the most daring of contemporary fiction writers
    • Usage: a venturesome investor
    • Usage: a venturous spirit
  • daring (adj) = radically new or original

    Synonyms: avant-garde, daring

    • Usage: an avant-garde theater piece
  • Other words to learn

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