Decay meaning in Hindi

Decay is a english word.

Decay Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • decay = क्षय

    • Usage: The corpse was in an advanced state of decay
  • decay = सड़ना/बिगड़ना/घटना/मुरझाना/नाश होना

    • Usage: The unoccupied house started to decay

Decay Meaning in Detail

  • decay (noun) = the process of gradually becoming inferior

    Synonyms: decay

  • decay (noun) = a gradual decrease; as of stored charge or current

    Synonyms: decay, decline

  • decay (noun) = the organic phenomenon of rotting

    Synonyms: decay, decomposition

  • decay (noun) = an inferior state resulting from the process of decaying

    Synonyms: decay

    • Usage: the corpse was in an advanced state of decay
    • Usage: the house had fallen into a serious state of decay and disrepair
  • decay (noun) = the spontaneous disintegration of a radioactive substance along with the emission of ionizing radiation

    Synonyms: decay, radioactive_decay, disintegration

  • decay (verb) = lose a stored charge, magnetic flux, or current

    Synonyms: disintegrate, decay, decompose

    • Usage: the particles disintegrated during the nuclear fission process
  • decay (verb) = fall into decay or ruin

    Synonyms: decay, crumble, dilapidate

    • Usage: The unoccupied house started to decay
  • decay (verb) = undergo decay or decomposition

    Synonyms: decay

    • Usage: The body started to decay and needed to be cremated
  • Other words to learn

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