Delicious meaning in Hindi

Delicious is a english word.

Delicious Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • delicious = स्वादिष्ट

    • Usage: She prepared a delicious meal for the family.
    • Usage: My mother always prepares delicious food.
    • Usage: मेरी माँ हमेशा स्वादिष्ट भोजन पकाती है.
  • delicious = रोचक

    • Usage: It was a delicious joke.

Delicious Meaning in Detail

  • delicious (noun) = variety of sweet eating apples

    Synonyms: Delicious

  • delicious (adj) = greatly pleasing or entertaining

    Synonyms: delightful, delicious

    • Usage: a delightful surprise
    • Usage: the comedy was delightful
    • Usage: a delicious joke
  • delicious (adj) = extremely pleasing to the sense of taste

    Synonyms: delectable, delicious, luscious, pleasant-tasting, scrumptious, toothsome, yummy

  • Other words to learn

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