Delinquency meaning in Hindi

Delinquency is a english word.

Delinquency Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • delinquency = अपराधवृत्ति

    • Usage: The child was poor, so he drifted towards delinquency.
    • Usage: Delinquency amongst the teenagers is on the increase in the major cities.
    • Usage: बड़े शहरों में किशोरों में अपराध बढ़ रहा है.
  • delinquency = चूक{कर्तव्य में}

    • Usage: The captain's delinquency led to the defeat of the team

Delinquency Meaning in Detail

  • delinquency (noun) = nonpayment of a debt when due

    Synonyms: delinquency

  • delinquency (noun) = a tendency to be negligent and uncaring

    Synonyms: delinquency, dereliction, willful_neglect

    • Usage: he inherited his delinquency from his father
    • Usage: his derelictions were not really intended as crimes
    • Usage: his adolescent protest consisted of willful neglect of all his responsibilities
  • delinquency (noun) = an antisocial misdeed in violation of the law by a minor

    Synonyms: delinquency, juvenile_delinquency

  • Other words to learn

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