Despotic meaning in Hindi

Despotic is a english word.

Despotic Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • despotic = क्रूर राजा की तरह

    • Usage: Though he ruled a big state he never behaved in a despotic way.

Despotic Meaning in Detail

  • despotic (adj) = belonging to or having the characteristics of a despot

    Synonyms: despotic, despotical

  • despotic (adj) = ruled by or characteristic of a despot

    Synonyms: despotic

    • Usage: moved from a feudal to a despotic order
    • Usage: his administration was arrogant and despotic
  • despotic (adj) = characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty

    Synonyms: authoritarian, autocratic, dictatorial, despotic, tyrannic, tyrannical

    • Usage: an authoritarian regime
    • Usage: autocratic government
    • Usage: despotic rulers
    • Usage: a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war
    • Usage: a tyrannical government
  • Other words to learn

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