Destruction meaning in Hindi

Destruction is a english word.

Destruction Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • destruction = तोड़ फोड़

    • Usage: The flood did a lot of destruction in the village.

Destruction Meaning in Detail

  • destruction (noun) = the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists

    Synonyms: destruction, devastation

  • destruction (noun) = an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something

    Synonyms: destruction, demolition, wipeout

  • destruction (noun) = a final state

    Synonyms: end, destruction, death

    • Usage: he came to a bad end
    • Usage: the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end
  • Other words to learn

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