Detached meaning in Hindi

Detached is a english word.

Detached Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • detached = अलग [हुआ]

    • Usage: A detached part of the body can't be attached again.
    • Usage: So many detached houses are there in the town.
    • Usage: The detached shutter fell on him

Detached Meaning in Detail

  • detached (verb) = cause to become detached or separated; take off

    Synonyms: detach

    • Usage: detach the skin from the chicken before you eat it
  • detached (verb) = separate (a small unit) from a larger, especially for a special assignment

    Synonyms: detach

    • Usage: detach a regiment
  • detached (verb) = come to be detached

    Synonyms: detach, come_off, come_away

    • Usage: His retina detached and he had to be rushed into surgery
  • detached (adj) = showing lack of emotional involvement

    Synonyms: degage, detached, uninvolved

    • Usage: adopted a degage pose on the arm of the easy chair"- J.S.Perelman
    • Usage: she may be detached or even unfeeling but at least she's not hypocritically effusive
    • Usage: an uninvolved bystander
  • detached (adj) = being or feeling set or kept apart from others

    Synonyms: detached, isolated, separated, set-apart

    • Usage: she felt detached from the group
    • Usage: could not remain the isolated figure he had been"- Sherwood Anderson
    • Usage: thought of herself as alone and separated from the others
    • Usage: had a set-apart feeling
  • detached (adj) = no longer connected or joined

    Synonyms: detached, separated

    • Usage: a detached part
    • Usage: on one side of the island was a hugh rock, almost detached
    • Usage: the separated spacecraft will return to their home bases
  • detached (adj) = used of buildings; standing apart from others

    Synonyms: detached

    • Usage: detached houses
    • Usage: a detached garage
  • detached (adj) = lacking affection or warm feeling

    Synonyms: detached, unaffectionate, uncaring

    • Usage: an uncaring person
  • detached (adj) = not fixed in position

    Synonyms: detached, free

    • Usage: the detached shutter fell on him
    • Usage: he pulled his arm free and ran
  • Other words to learn

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