Devilish meaning in Hindi

Devilish is a english word.

Devilish Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • devilish = शैतान जैसा

    • Usage: It was a devilish plan to plant bombs in shopping centre.

Devilish Meaning in Detail

  • devilish (adj) = showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil

    Synonyms: devilish, diabolic, diabolical, mephistophelian, mephistophelean

    • Usage: devilish schemes
    • Usage: the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen
    • Usage: the diabolical expression on his face
    • Usage: a mephistophelian glint in his eye
  • devilish (adj) = playful in an appealingly bold way

    Synonyms: devilish, rascally, roguish

    • Usage: a roguish grin
  • devilish (adv) = in a playfully devilish manner

    Synonyms: devilishly, devilish

    • Usage: the socialists are further handicapped if they believe that capitalists are not only wicked but also devilishly clever
  • Other words to learn

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